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Safety Posters

The American Heart Association has just released a MAJOR REVISION to their recommended CPR and Choking Safety Procedures. The new guidelines will save valuable time during the administration of life-sustaining procedures. Make sure you and your sailors are kept safe with these eye-catching safety posters on choking and CPR techniques.

Many ships still have the old techniques posted in their mess decks and training areas. Now is the time to begin replacing those old posters with the new standard.

CPR Technique Poster

The American Heart Association has just released a MAJOR REVISION to their recommended CPR and Choking Safety Procedures. The new guidelines will save valuable time during the administration of life-sustaining procedures. Make sure you and your sailors are kept safe with these eye-catching safety posters on choking and CPR techniques.

Choking Poster

The American Heart Association has just released a MAJOR REVISION to their recommended CPR and Choking Safety Procedures. The new guidelines will save valuable time during the administration of life-sustaining procedures. Make sure you and your sailors are kept safe with these eye-catching safety posters on choking and CPR techniques.




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